Blog Archive

"Not me!" Monday(forgot to post)

Thought I would give this a try. Hope it works. I still need lessons on blogger :P

On saturday I did not eat those chips with Dip.

This week I totally did not forget to brush the kids teeth before bed.

I did not take advantage of sleeping in every day.

I did not try really hard to beat my brother's score on Outdoor Challenge.

This week I did not go to bed so late I couldn't wake up in the morning.

This weekend I did not change rooms around all by myself.

I did not step on the scale every other week this week.

This week I really did not go on the computer for hours at a time messing with Facebook, Blogger and Club pogo.

~Ok so i am totally not good at this but I will get better :P..I forgot to come back last night and post this better late then never :P


Alicia said...

I hear you on the scale thing. I refuse to get on it at all right now:)
I also got a new laptop for Christmas and I have been on it so much (visting all the sites you mentioned and then some)that my husband had to bring it to my attention that there are things more important lol! At least to him anyway...Have a good week!

Emily said...

I do the same thing with the scales!!!

MamiD said...

It is soo annoying i really need to hide it until weigh in day :P

MamiD said...

Crap I forgot i am on my other account :P

Anonymous said...

What do you mean you did not really try hard to beat your brother's score in outdoor challenge? HeHeHe

Allie said...

Chris this is a blog that you post things that "you did not do" but you really did it :P