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Interesting but Fun weekend to say the least

Well lets start off with "Now you see it now you don't" lmao.. That's how it is with the money I got on Saturday hehe. Got to love getting caught up on bills tho. Saturday Bonnie and I took off out east and guess what? i drove the van all the way out there and back hehe. At first Eddie didn't want to let me I told him he should know how careful i am driving. So after awhile he said yes. So Bonnie and I take off to the mall, I paid my cable bill. Then we walked around a bit then headed to Walmart. Got what I had to get there then headed back north to sobeys. I picked up some food. Got some Chicken for "Chicken Thigh Pie" SOO cant wait to try this out Yummmyyy. Came home and just vedged for a bit. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do that night so kinda was up and down. I was soo tired. I ended up asking corilee to head out to Tonic with me. I was going to go to Ozone but changed my mind. Kinda wish i went there instead anyways.. We got there and met up with Bonnie and 2 of her friends. It was going great. Bonnie and I got into the cage and was dancing. It was soo much fun. I was working it. i find in the cage you work it harder cause man i was tired after i got out of there lmao. It was going great. I met this girl who ordered Tubro Jam but she never did receive it. kinda weird.. she said she couldn't believe I had 4 kids which was really nice to hear since I still feel like i look nasty. So it got really packed.. we got 3 guys up dancing. 1 guy OMG he could not dance it was soo freaking funny I wish I took a video cause all i did was laugh at him lmao. Eddie came and picked us up and drove Bonnie and her friends home as well.
Oh yea Forgot to mention Saturday we got people to come check our furnace so we can turn it on cause it was soo freaking cold. well the dude noticed that we have freaking WATER in our oil Tank. Just great this is all we need we just stick oil into it and cant even turn the dang heat on UGH. So we have been waiting for 2 days now for someone else to show up so they can check to see how much water is in the tank. Well guess what no one has showed up at all so we have been stuck at home waiting UGH..
Yesterday we didn't do much. Eddie changed the living room around so the vent was open when we turn the heat on. I am ok with the set up I guess lol. It will have to do since there isn't any other way to put everything. I got so bored i ended up going upstairs to have a nap. Eddie got pissed but OH WELL lol.. I needed rest. Rest of the day was BORING hehe
So Today I get up and do my routine of Getting Emilio up then getting his lunch made then his breakfast then him ready to go off to school then getting boys breakfast then get miss Bella bo her bottle. I turned the hot water on to clean up some dishes and go figure we have NO hot water now. UGH can anything else go wrong here. Its soo freaking cold so we have to turn the oven on to keep the place warm and now we have no hot water. I got my Work out in today and now just catching up on things.
Oh yea another thing. I was talking to Janie yesterday and all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I see miss bella bo roll from her back to her belly, i couldn't believe it. 4mths old already hehe. My baby is growing up. Still hoping those dang teeth would hurry up and come in.

Well this is long enough hope you all have a great day. Toodles

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you got to go out and have a good time this weekend! Can't believe Bella is rolling! OMG! Tell her to stop! She is getting too big too fast! =(

I hope you have a good day (once you have heat & hot water that is) and a great week! Love Ya!